Free Photo Competition 2015 Week 24 : Entry Number 213

Photographers Comment

Thanks for the recognition of this image. It is great to have other photographers recognize your work! My name is Rob Darby and I live in San Francisco, California. I am a photo enthusiast and avid storm chaser. I mostly do landscape and storm photography. This image was captured in Western Kansas in May and is one of my favorite imaged of storm structure that I have captured. This was a really intense storm and the photo was taken near sunset which given the interesting color in the rain bands on the right. This was shot with a Nikon D800E, 24-120 f/4 Nikkor lens, 24mm, f/8, ISO 200, 1/80s. This was a difficult image to process because the light was so dynamic, so I tried a number of things before settling on a pretty basic scheme: increased Clarity/Vibrance, sharpening, reduced highlights and increased blacks. Thank you again for voting for this image!