Most Popular Photos : August 2019 : Position 38

Judges Comment

The I-Shot-It team is thrilled to announce this Flower Competition’s winner! Frozen in ice intensifies colours and appearance.The bright orange and texture of this flower shows beautifully, almost like flames in a wild fire. This is a good example of a flower, captured in an exotic and unusual way.

Photographers Comment

Thanks to judges for their appreciation of my work. The title of this photo is " Sunflower (detail) " and was shot with my little compact Leica D 109 in my Mini-studio ( a cardboard box with squares holes on each side, a large plastic plate on the top and 2 flashlights). Since maybe a month, I had not taken any picture of flowers. At the end of summer, there is not many new plants in bloom. So my wife bought this sunflower at a local florist to please me. The orange color don’t came from the flower itself, but from a colorant in wich the florist soak the sunflowers to make them more attractive or vivid. First, I was not really happy with this almost phosphorescent color and I was grumbling from within, but at the end, now I think it look great. So, thanks to my wife too!