Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

It is the silence in this image which speaks to us, a lot of space around our subjects - and a ray of light entering, which creates a shadow on the wall. Well spotted and framed.

Photographers Comment

Hey! Thanks! I'm Henrik from Germany and I took this photograph in 2019 on the italian island Cinque Terre on my Pentax Espio 110 analog camera while walking by - it was very spontaneously. Very happy how the photo turned out when I developed it back home.

Judges Comment

A sweet picture which can tell us so many stories, positive and negative, but the little girl does have time for both her dog and telephone.

Photographers Comment

Hey! Thanks! I'm Henrik from Germany and I took this photograph in 2019 on the italian island Cinque Terre on my Pentax Espio 110 analog camera while walking by - it was very spontaneously. Very happy how the photo turned out when I developed it back home.