Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

Reflection in a puddle is an often-used photo technique but this image stands above others for a few reasons. First of all, it’s a really big puddle that fills and divides the frame. Secondly the light divides the image once again into quarters. Thirdly the people on left in shadow greatly add to the impact of the image even if they aren’t immediately noticeable.

Judges Comment

I love the washed-out effect and the soft colour palette in this very urban view, but also how you have used a puddle of water to mimic the reality of this street scene with its perfect upside-down world, creating that very appealing symmetry.

Photographers Comment

Thank you so much for the selection! I shot this recently in Havana, Cuba while on vacation in May (2017). It had rained the night before, leaving this puddle in the perfect spot to capture a classic Havana street scene. I used a Sony a7rii and Sony G-Master 24-70mm f2.8 lens. The rays of light perfectly illuminated the building behind man walking and luckily I was able to catch him striding by. My work can be viewed on Instagram @mmeyers76 and via my site.

Judges Comment

Beautiful balance and colors, and a composition that invites you to participate. Very well done!

Photographers Comment

First of all, a huge thank you for the selection! I shot this recently in Havana, Cuba while on vacation in May (2017). It had rained the night before, leaving this puddle in the perfect spot to capture a classic Havana street scene. I used a Sony a7rii and Sony G-Master 24-70mm f2.8 lens. The morning light perfectly illuminated the building behind man walking and luckily I was able to catch him striding by.