Flower Photo Competition 6 2016
Winning Photo
Photographers Comment
First off, thank you so much for selecting this, I am beyond pleased!
I live in a small town in the Eastern Cape, South Africa and I have been taking photos since 1997 when I bought my first film SLR. Photography is my biggest passion. I also love to write. I started my blog as part of my 2015 100 Happy Days challenge as a way of combining my two passions.
I took this photo whilst on holiday in December 2014, in the Western Cape, South Africa. These beautiful lilies were growing in the garden of the place we were staying. In my experience, most of the photos I take that are really great are relatively unplanned and taken with an intuitive approach.
I used my mirrorless Samsung NX-300, fitted with Polaroid Macro filters to get this close up of the upside down stamens. Settings: 55mm, 1/80 sec at F5.6
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