Wildlife Photo Competition 5 2015
Winning Photo

Judges Comment

Well I love this and for several reasons. Firstly because you have caught a real wild moment, a beautiful and rare wild animal with its prey between its jaws. But also because you have photographed it so honestly and simply. it is an easy composition with appealing shapes of green that frame the lynx (or bobcat) just nicely, but what is really special is that incomparable wild feel you can only portray when out there with the real thing, your blurry foreground branches help that too. You must have been delighted with this, well done, this photo jumped straight into the final.

Photographers Comment

Antonio Plaza, Delaware water Gap, Nikon d800 500mm f/4. After 1 month of searching the area were I have previously seen animals trails, I finally got an opportunity. I spotted this Bobcat playing with his pray just like a regular house cat would do. I crawled for about 10 minutes to a position where I could get good composition and snapped away. He spotted me within seconds of setting up to photograph, threw his prey up in the air once and proceeded to saunter away. I love his look in this photo as he has a look of accomplishment and pride over his kill.