Dog Photo Competition 4 2013
Winning Photo

Judges Comment

this is SO dog ... a good roll in the grass and what we have to assume is the golden light. although it works in black and white, i have to imagine that it would work quite successfully in color as well, in fact, maybe more so, since this this is no doubt some lovely soft light. great framing and post work. nicely done. ~ illona

Photographers Comment

Thank you for the Mark of Excellence pick! I am thrilled to have a picture of my beloved dog chosen. I thought briefly about keeping this a color portrait, but due to the fact that my dog is brown and the grasses he was rolling in were brown/golden as well, I thought maybe there wouldn't be enough contrast to really make the photo most flattering. That and I sat down to enter it into the Dog Photo Competition with only a handful of minutes left in the contest, so I didn't have much time to spend on it...but decided I loved it and would enter it for its simplicity and true dog behavior. This shot was captured completely off guard, I was actually photographing the beautiful golden grasses and turn around to see him laying there, basking in the sun perfectly... I almost didn't capture it due to being so in awe of where and how he was laying there, a great moment for sure. Captured with a Nikon D700 24/70mm lens in WA state. Thanks again!