Newest Photos : Photo

Photographers Comment

Thank you very much for selecting my picture. My name is Jana and I live in erfurt, germany. I was out in the evening taking photos for a friend with her dog close to my hometown at a small lake. Paula is a young labrador girl and she love water more then dog treats. This photo was taken by Canon 7D (35mm, f2.0 1/250, ISO100), and developed by Photoshop. Please visit my homepage to see my portfolio.

Judges Comment

What an absolutely stunning and memorable image. While a simple image, there is SO much to see in this image. Of course, the viewer's eye is immediately drawn to the subject, the beautiful eyes, the wet hair on the face, ears and neck ... just as important and delicious to the eyes is every ripple in the water, the drop coming off the ear, the warm glow of the sun on the water, the muted tones of the sky. An instant fave. ~ illona

Photographers Comment

Thank you very much for selecting my picture. My name is Jana and I live in erfurt, germany. I was out in the evening taking photos for a friend with her dog close to my hometown at a small lake. Paula is a young labrador girl and she love water more then dog treats. This photo was taken by Canon 7D (35mm, f2.0 1/250, ISO100), and developed by Photoshop. Please visit my homepage to see my portfolio.