Newest Photos : Photo

Judges Comment

Runner up third place! Well done Its a great image that really jumped out at me and whilst it may not be technically the strongest I have to award this the merit it deserves for being such an obvious difficult capture to achieve in the first place, amazing shot and a great piece of work. Tim

Photographers Comment

This idea was first drummed up in my head when I took my first jet flight as a U.S. Army Stars & Stripes news photographer in (peace time) Korea. Twenty-four years later at MClellan AFB (CA) I was working with test pilots and asked them if this vertical picture was possible - and would they do it. This was the third vertical try, the first the F-106 Delta Dart jet fighter plane was above the horizon line - all blue sky. The second below the horizon line - this was the third. I was in a T-38, the pilot let me fly it. Some years earlier I took a flight that I asked the pilot to roll upside down over Lake Tahoe in a T-37 - sitting side-by-side with him, it didn't win anything in this competition - but look for it. Enjoy the Leica M2 - 21mm Super Angulon lens images. Jim W. Vestal