Most Popular Photos : April 2013 : Position 18

Judges Comment

Her glance touches my deeply! The connection between the girl and the woman in the back is strong and it tells a whole story to me. Perfectly done!

Photographers Comment

My name is Daniel Maissan, and I live in the Netherlands. This picture was taken in the slums of Mumbai, India. I traveled India, Thailand and Burma for five months. The reason I take photographs, is to make contact with a world I understand less every day. This girl was standing in the door opening of her little house made of wood and metal plates on the roof. When I got down on one knee, to take the picture, her mom came to check out the situation. It became a warm and wonderful meeting with the most kind family you can imagine. The picture was taken with a Leica M9 and converted using Lightroom for the raw conversion and Silver FX Pro for the black and white conversion.