Most Popular Photos : March 2013 : Position 9

Judges Comment

Birds of prey are often mobbed by smaller birds in flight, but to capture a bird riding on an eagle's back is amazing. A movie fantasy caught in real life!

Photographers Comment

Hi, My name is Holly and this is D14. He was the third chick last season (2012) to Mom and Dad Decorah, of the Decorah, IA Web Cam. D14 died when he landed on a power pole and was electrocuted. He was 5 or 6 months old. The first chick born to this pair last season, D12 was also electrocuted on a power pole in Decorah, IA. I am a big eagle fan, this last season was a tough one. I am hoping by getting his picture seen that I can share the hazards our raptors have. Hoping one day Lead in Ammo is not used anymore and the power poles are updated and Avian Safe. Thank you for this great honor and for giving me a chance to share D14's story.