Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

Getting ready. This image of playful disorder seems a somewhat familiar situation and is the winner of the I SHOT IT competition. A private view into the life of a family that could live in any country, a mother and her grown up daughter, or two mothers with their kids. Somebody coming to pick them up or somebody telling them something from outside. Maybe new shoes have to be fitted in all of this, the boxes are on the bed. The kids make the image playful and alive. Technically we like the perspective, the light and the tones. It took us a while to decide if too much was happening in this photo, but as it grew on us and made us smile, we realized this is a very good reportage about real life as it is seldom photographed. Very well done, and congratulations!

Photographers Comment

First of all thanks to the jury for appreciating my photography and choosing my photo as the winner of this contest ! My name is Ernie Blarinckx and I live in Belgium (Balen). THis picture was made during a wedding at a farmers family. In Belgium often little children are used as 'bridesmaids'. Sometimes they are really very young. When the mother was making them ready I lay myself down on the floor and took this picture without being noticed. I saw a lovely composition and great light, and I hit the shutter :-) The camera I used was a leica rangefinder with, I think, a 24 or 35 mm Summilux. You can find me on Facebook: Ernie Blarinckx. Thanks again to the jury for making a dream come true ! ! Ernie Blarinckx, Belgium