Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

One brave soul in the sea of tourists experiencing the power of mother nature first-hand. But actually, this picture shows quite a lot of people exploring the world. Something that wasn’t normal just 50 years ago before the jet age where we not all can go anywhere to experience the nature, other cultures and the world at large. It’s a beautiful photograph with great composition and tonality. Thank you for bringing us so close to the action. This is the winner of the I-SHOT-IT competition. Congratulations!

Photographers Comment

“I named this picture “ Alone in the mist”, I took it by the Niagara Falls on the boat cruise. Similar rain plastic overcoats were given to the tourists, keeping them dry from the shower-like wet mist. Among these one-day sailors, a lady dared come out of her plastic prison bare headed to enjoy more of the stupendous view and me, my Leica M9 to shoot this surrealistic scene.” Leica M9 + Summicron 35mm. Post-processing : Lightroom CC Again, many thanks ! Yannick DOUBLET (FRANCE)