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Judges Comment

Beautiful lines and soft colours, as nature repairs the damage. This is not just a beautiful picture in the visual sense, it is also, I think, a story of destruction and of revival and a tremendous picture of hope. One can feel the damp of this leafless forest. Are those woodpecker marks on the dead trees? Did the whole forest burn? In any case congratulations for this powerful photograph.

Photographers Comment

This photograph was taken after the biggest fire in New Mexico History last summer(2012). The Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire in the Gila Wilderness of Southwest NM burned almost 300,000 acres. I spent two months and logged almost 300 miles on foot in the Gila Wilderness photographing what the fire left behind. It was surreal! The marks on the trees is where the bark is starting to peel off. Thanks for the kind comments. Jay Hemphill