Upload Date : 24 September 2017

Judges Comment

I love the real wild feel of this african buffalo and am intrigued by what seems to be a several second exposure with flash, well done. I imagine you are behind a solid wall and not peeping out of your tent :-)… Please fill us in with shooting info.

Photographers Comment

The image was shot in South Africa. Close to a waterhole a hide allows to take pictures without disturbing animals that come to the puddle to drink. During the night two low intensity led panels light the scene (continuous light doesn't disturb animals like flashes can do). To take this picture I waited for the buffalo, lighted off the leds, and during a 10 second long exposure I manually swhitched on and off the lights for a short time. The camera I used was a Nikon D800E with a Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 lens at f5, ISO 1250.