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Judges Comment

In any type of wildlife photography, if you can convey the spectacle of a species en masse, this can be much more powerful than depicting a single individual. Such mass shots, though, can be challenging for two reasons: first, showing many individuals normally means you don't see any real detail in any of the individuals; second, large group shots don't normally have a focal point to capture the attention. In this shot, though, the incoming flock of Auks has been framed with the closest bird showing detail and providing a focal point. The differential focus of the more distant birds adds a sense of depth to the scene. This is a great example of how the power of a flock can be harnessed to create an image with real impact.

Photographers Comment

Thank you for selecting my picture as winner of this competition! These guillemots were photographed at the Hornøya birdcliff in Northern Norway. It was a windy day, and the birds are flying agains the wind direction in this image. It was a fantastic experience to have these birds passing few meters above my head :) Espen Bergersen -