Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

Pure dramatic pleasure is what we get from this photograph. The composition includes all what needs to be, yet clean and dramatic.

Photographers Comment

A Guides Eye View Two mountain guides direct a helicopter into land high in the Swiss Alps. I took this shot whilst shooting an extreme ski and snowboard competition - the Nendaz Freeride FWQ. I had been dropped just before on the peak and with the permission of the guides cowered down behind them to capture this shot when the remaining supplies were delivered. My lens took a bit of a battering and I could only hold myself in position properly for a few seconds as the rush of snow debris was insane at this point. Taken with a Nikon D7000 with Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 lens at 16mm, 1/2000sec, f/4.5, ISO100