Flower Photo Competition 6 2016 : Results

- Competition Winner : First Prize
- $687.20
- Judges Comment
- Beautifully seen, framed and executed. What a stunning close-up photo this is of a special flower. Thank you to the winner of this I-SHOT-IT Flower competition for submitting such an inspirational and detailed photo!
- Photographers Comment
- First off, thank you so much for selecting this, I am beyond pleased! I live in a small town in the Eastern Cape, South Africa and I have been taking photos since 1997 when I bought my first film SLR. Photography is my biggest passion. I also love to write. I started my blog as part of my 2015 100 Happy Days challenge as a way of combining my two passions. I took this photo whilst on holiday in December 2014, in the Western Cape, South Africa. These beautiful lilies were growing in the garden of the place we were staying. In my experience, most of the photos I take that are really great are relatively unplanned and taken with an intuitive approach. I used my mirrorless Samsung NX-300, fitted with Polaroid Macro filters to get this close up of the upside down stamens. Settings: 55mm, 1/80 sec at F5.6
- dibz-zen.com

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- A moment frozen in time, in the background some lights. Maybe possible city in the distance? This photo has a lot of room for imagination. The green reflections on the icy surface gives this image depth and mood. This photo is one of I-SHOT-IT favourites.
- Photographers Comment
- Again, the same topic, same theme and now, It's the second. Such a pleasure when your biggest passion gets awarded again and again. Thanks so much for appreciating all my photos. My name is Azim Mehdiyev. I'm an architect, designer from Azerbaijan. These are really frozen flowers and I was especially impressed by the green stamens inside the ice around. I shot this photo in Baku, again with Canon EOS 7D. Thanks, I SHOT IT Team!

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- A narrow depth of field defines this photo. The focal point is on a fully grown flower which has passed its peak of beauty. We love the colours and freshness in its appearance.
- Photographers Comment
- I took the photo in a park in Berlin. I call it "exposed" and like the contrast between this exposed crocus and the closed crocuses. The photo was shot with a Sony Alpha 77 and a Tamron 3.5/180mm Macro lens. Post processing was done with Adobe Lightroom. Thanks for the Mark of Excellence! Jörg Franzen, Berlin
- www.joerg-franzen.de

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- A feeling of being on holidays somewhere on a hot island, this is the impression which we get looking at this capture. The angle how this flowers were photographed is one of the highlights in this image.
- Photographers Comment
- This shot was captured November 2016 on the return hike from Lion's Head in Cape Town, South Africa. The path spirals around the peak offering panoramic views of the city, Table Mountain, and Camps Bay Beach seen here. I did not succeed to capture a winning Protea photo during my trip, but this Lion's Tail was a good consolation prize. I shoot with a Canon PowerShot G7X, a fancy point-and-shoot.

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- A refreshing close-up of this poppy, with bright colours and perfect framing. The observer is drawn right into the centre of this poppy.
- Photographers Comment
- Thank you for selecting my photo. This is a beautiful poppy taken in Tacoma, WA. I always love the mix of texture and bright hues this flower brings. Janet Fikar
- www.jfikarphotography.com

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- A bit dreamy, a bit mysterious. How purple compliments yellow makes is moody and dark. That is what makes this photo one of our top in this competition.
- Photographers Comment
- Thank you so much for choosing my photo for a mark of excellence. My name is Amanda Cannon, Indianapolis, IN and I used a nikon d3300.

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- Different colours, textures, forms and patterns. This is what makes this photo special and outstanding in this I-SHOT-IT Flower competition. It is very well seen and the tight crop works well for it. It has the appearance of a painting from one of the old masters.
- Photographers Comment
- Thank you so much! My name is Azim Mehdiyev, I'm architect, designer from Azerbaijan. I took this photo during my sister's betrothal period. I added one pomegranate to this composition and shot it) Again, my lovely Canon EOS 7D.

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- Simplicity with a great angle how this photo was photographed. From below to up high. Colours and mood work well in this combination and it feels like being transported to a hot summer day!

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- This is another one of our favourites in this competition. The simplicity which is almost abstract, the clear form of the paddles and the strong pink. Very well seen and executed.

- Mark Of Excellence
- Judges Comment
- This is a truly special capture. Dreamy and soft, nicely composed. The panorama format goes well with the shot. it could be either early in the morning or later in the afternoon.
- Photographers Comment
- Thank you for selecting this photo. I took the photo last year in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia one late afternoon. It was one of those spontaneous photos that I am really happy with. Captured with a Panasonic CM1 and post processed using LR and NikCollection.