Users Photos : Photo

Judges Comment

There are so many connections within this photograph. It is a lovely, well managed, pastel exposure in an unusual leafy studio, but its real force comes from the reflected face in the window, the face that is being painted. It is a clever, well mastered, out-of-the-box approach, congratulations, you win this competition.

Photographers Comment

Thank you very much I am deeply honored! My name is Tammy Swarek. I am a contemporary portrait and fine art photographer in El Dorado, Arkansas. This image was shot with my Canon 5D Mark II in Madison, Mississippi in an abandoned house. The model, Demi Chen, is a brilliant pastel artist. When I saw her work I knew I wanted to incorporate it into her portrait and visually tell her story. Post processing was minimal. I enhanced the window reflection and added a subtle texture to enhance the mood in this photograph.